Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2017

Digital marketing is growing day by day. Over the past few years, we’ve seen numbers of new e-commerce websites, social media platforms, new strategies, and tactics.

These days’ people are engaging with emerging technology in different ways. High-quality pictures on Instagram, live video on Facebook, WhatsApp and Snapchat story, increased mobile usage etc. all these things are exciting people to engage with the digital world. From voice search to virtual reality, every entrepreneur, business owner, and experienced marketer want to get their hand dirty with digital marketing.Digital marketing helps many businesses to reach millions of prospective customer. SEO is helpful to rank your business on the Google top SERPs while social media has the power to convert your product into a brand. PPC can bring leads to your business while content marketing creates loyalty and trust with your prospective customer.

2017 will bring a new set of marketing changes and opportunities. Whether you are doing on your own or hiring some San Diego digital agency, you need to know top digital marketing trends for 2017.

Video Content will be the King

From Facebook live and YouTube to Snapchat live moments and Instagram live, 2017 will be the year of video content. Many of these above networks are promoting their live video quite heavily, and it’s something that will stand out in the saturated world of content. So there are plenty of reasons a brand would like to get involved.

Facebook live

Facebook was the first platform who introduced live video and then many other jumped into the scene. These live allows any brand connect directly with their audience by broadcasting in real time through live video streaming service. Launch a product, promote company products, share the indoor environment or even industry relevant suggestions, these hi-tech features allow business to promote their business to varied people across the globe.

Building up the hype for products and services can be a convincing effort for pursuing 2017 and without a doubt, you should plan to implement video content into your marketing strategies this year.

SEO is Changing Up

Search engine optimization has been changing heavily for past few years. Google went heavy on their updates in 2016 with overwhelming changes to their algorithms, such as penguin 4.0, mobile first indexing and possum. SEO should be the top of every company’ digital marketing trends 2017.

Google is more in the favor of mobile-first world. With mobile first index being implemented, your brand’s web pages needs to be:

  • Fast: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) will be the future of internet visibility
  • Responsive: content should be presented the same in both mobile and desktop versions
  • Mobile friendly: whether it’s mobile or tablet, website’s content should be easy to read /navigate through a smaller screen

So if you have a business in San Diego and you have given your project to some San Diego digital agency, make sure they do all above things for your website.

 Internet of things (IOT) Marketing Applications

 Internet of things is one of the most important marketing technology application of the last 2-3 years, but it’s more beneficial to retailers and device makers, so it’s relatively high-up in this ranking of priorities.

There are expected to be 75 billion connected devices by 2020. The implications are huge and far ranging. This ten times sharing of data will transform the way we live our lives.

Voice Search

 Play your favorite song? Search for some questions? Want to know the weather outside? Add shoes to your shopping list? With the help of voice search, you can get answers to all your questions instantly.

Whether through a standalone device or Smartphone, tech companies have released a string of digital assistants with increasing voice recognition accuracy. These day many people are getting the benefit of voice search to conduct the web search. You are looking some best restaurant in your city. By speaking “what are the best restaurants near me” shows you several restaurants of the city. This behavioral difference is important to keep in mind when planning on-site content and paid search keywords.

 Virtual Reality

 Virtual reality has proven to be the most famous trends of the past year. 10 million people have downloaded the app for Google cardboard and 171 million people could be using virtual reality technology by 2018. With the growth of VR new opportunities is on the way for digital marketers.


Virtual reality allows the most fantastic and engaging online experience. Imagine you want to buy a car and how extraordinary it will be if you experience sitting in the car and going for a test drive without leaving your couch. You can watch your favorite singer perform from an open stage tour the streets of New York.

While this technology is still very much in the early stage of development but that days are not far off when you will be able to access this technology. It will be very helpful for brands who think about going beyond traditional content and videos to produce VR experience that better showcase their work.

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