The 5 Best Ways to Promote Your Business on Instagram

“Being famous on Instagram is like being rich in monopoly”

This is very true in fact. Instagram has the power to convert a product into a brand. Instagram is a mobile photo, Gif, video (1Min), Instagram story, live video sharing app. Instagram has more than 300 million daily active users and these numbers are likely to grow in near future. Continue reading “The 5 Best Ways to Promote Your Business on Instagram”

What Are the Benefits of YouTube marketing?

You may or may not agree, but we all trust our eyes more than our ears. In most of the situations, it is true. When someone tells you that some random showroom is offering 50% discount on the winter wears, you will check by yourself. When someone tells you about something, it may or may not be true. However, you have to believe in what you see with your own eyes. This is the reason why YouTube video marketing endows you with such a great marketing potential.

Continue reading “What Are the Benefits of YouTube marketing?”

How Storytelling in Digital Marketing Helps To Engage With More Audience

It was a pleasant morning yesterday. I was waiting for my coffee in the lawn. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice of my wife calling me to come inside.

I ran to the bathroom, oh my God, I saw my daughter falling in the shower. Don’t worry; she is OK. A little bit injury on the forehead has made her more conscious about her face. But the fall got me to thinking. What if she hit her head and was really hurt? How long would it be if Christina (my wife) would notice? I started to imagine what would happen if I and Christina both were not in the house then who would find her there. Terrifying! The story could go on and on. Continue reading “How Storytelling in Digital Marketing Helps To Engage With More Audience”

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2017

Digital marketing is growing day by day. Over the past few years, we’ve seen numbers of new e-commerce websites, social media platforms, new strategies, and tactics.

These days’ people are engaging with emerging technology in different ways. High-quality pictures on Instagram, live video on Facebook, WhatsApp and Snapchat story, increased mobile usage etc. all these things are exciting people to engage with the digital world. From voice search to virtual reality, every entrepreneur, business owner, and experienced marketer want to get their hand dirty with digital marketing. Continue reading “Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2017”

Top 6 Benefits of Hiring SEO Agency in San Diego

Assuming that you are well aware of the importance of digital marketing it’s time to understand the potential of search engine optimization. Let’s learn why search engine optimization is so important when you are expecting more business through the web. Business through the internet is completely opposite of what we have been doing for centuries. Continue reading “Top 6 Benefits of Hiring SEO Agency in San Diego”

What Is Digital Marketing And Why It Is So Important?

How many times have you noticed that big billboard near your office? Have you ever bought some time to read what is written there on it? The most expected answer is that you have noticed but you don’t know much about the content of that advert. Just as you ignore the billboards of other brands, people are also ignoring billboards of your brand. And, these big adverts are hardly playing any part in your marketing campaign. Do you know why? People are too busy on their Smartphone and tablets. Continue reading “What Is Digital Marketing And Why It Is So Important?”